It's time to Get Talented

We help you invest in your team today while keeping an eye on the future.

Manage your team like a pro

Treat your team like the all-star organization it is

Gain access to top talent before they hit the other job boards. We're the first to know.

Coming soon

Keep an eye out for these features in the near future.

Agency Mode

Looking for a solution to match your talent to the right project? We've got you covered.

Built for dev agencies, our agency mode lets you manage your talent and projects in one place. It’s like a digital Rolodex, but with a lot more features.

Internal Job Matching

Find the right fit for your existing talent within your organization. No more guessing.

Our internal job matching feature utilizes AI to match the skillsets of your current employees to the needs of your company today.

Automated Employee Performance Tracking

AI-powered performance tracking. No more manual reviews or guesswork.

Pull requests. Closed deals. Successful marketing campaigns. Track employee performance automatically.

Simple pricing, for every size of business.

You pay nothing until your first outreach message


For early-stage startups and SMBs.

$2 per user/month

  • Invite up to 100 team members
  • Receive 3 free promoted employee listings
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For scaling businesses and growing teams.

$4 per user/month

  • Invite up to 800 employees
  • $500 towards employee listing offerings
  • 7 free promoted employee listings
Get started


For even the biggest enterprise companies.

$7 per user/month

  • Unlimited employee invites (200 minimum)
  • $1200 toward employee listing offerings
  • 15 free promoted employee listings
Get started

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our team and we'll get back to you ASAP.

    • How does automatic performance tracking work?

      We use AI to track your employees performance and contributions over the course of their employment. It’s like having a digital manager.

    • How does your solution help companies attract top talent?

      Think of it like employment insurance. An employee is much more likely to join a company if they know that company will invest in that employee's future even after it's time to say goodbye.

    • How do I get early access to top talent?

      Companies list their soon-to-be-furloughed employees on our platform. In doing so, employee profiles become available for your review before they hit the job boards.

    • How does "Try Before You Buy" work?

      Companies are incentivized to pay you to take their furloughed employees off their hands. It keeps their unemployment tax rate low and their reputation high. You should consider it for your next RIF.

    • How does incentivized employee acquisition work?

      Companies take part of their employee severance package, and apply that to an acquisition offer. For example, a company that would otherwise pay 3 months severance can use part of money to pay you to try out their employee. It is a win-win.

    • Why on earth would a company pay me to take their furloughed employees?

      Maintain and grow a solid reputation with past, present and future employees, keep unemployment tax rates low, attract top talent. These are just a few reasons.

    • Can I create my own acquisition terms?

      Of course. We leave it up to the companies to find a suitable agreement. We're just here to help facilitate the process.

    • Do you take a cut of the acquisition?

      Nope. We take zero commission on any acquisition. We're just here to help you find the right fit for your team.

    • Do you offer a free trial?

      We offer you unlimited access to the Talented platform until you make your first acquisition offer. We're confident you'll love it.

Get started today

It’s time to take control of your books. Buy our software so you can feel like you’re doing something productive.

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